Tag Archives: writing

You win some, you lose some

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to blog more often – I hoped to blog at least once a week. Well, we can clearly see that was a fail. What I should have added to my resolution was that I wanted to be more active on other people’s blogs as well, and reach out to bloggers who I really admire, such as my favourite finance bloggers. I also wanted to try to read some good health blogs. Maybe if I do any one of those things once a week, I can give myself a pass.

But if I didn’t make any progress on my blog, at least I’ve kept up with my other resolutions. I’ve been pitching myself regularly to other newspapers and magazines, working out a few times a week and progressing in my sewing class! Last week, I made a drawstring bag. I feel very proud of my accomplishment so far, even if it was just a small project. You gotta start somewhere!

My 2012 New Year’s Resolutions

Although I often make goals for myself, I have never really made a list of New Year’s Resolutions. I guess once it’s written down, it creates more pressure for you to actually follow through – and makes you feel guilty when you don’t! This year, I want to be as pro-active as possible, so I have been thinking a lot about the most important things I wish to accomplish.

Instead of just calling them resolutions, I prefer to call them goals. There’s a stigma attached to the word resolutions, as if it’s just something we make in the new year hype and never follow through. The word “goal” is more concrete and will hopefully help me stick to them for the entire year.

2012 Goals 

1. Learn how to sew: I have wanted to do this for a while but have always said I don’t have the time or energy to try. I’m starting 2012 off to a good start by signing up for an introductory sewing class at The Sewing Studio in Toronto. It starts next week!

2. Read at least 2 books a week: As a student, I was often reading long essays, papers or textbooks daily. Now that I’m a graduate, it’s easy to work all day and spend your evenings with friends and family or watching TV. One of my goals this year is to use some of that free time to read books (and pursue more freelance writing opportunities). I’m trying to go to the Library at least once a week to take out a few books and especially 7-day rental ones to encourage me to read them in a timely manner.

3. Pitch at least one story a week to a newspaper or magazine: This was something I started at the end of last year and I want to continue doing this year. In particular, I want to have at least one story accepted by a publication I have never written for before.

4. Blog once a week: I initially started blogging as a way to keep track of my writing and create an online portfolio, but it is also a great way to meet interesting people and share your thoughts with the online community.

5. Take another writing course: This summer, I took a news and feature writing course at Concordia University and I want to take another one in Toronto. Unfortunately, they are more than double the price here! The skills you learn are really valuable though, so I’ll probably fork over the cash.

6. Work out at least 3 times a week. This summer, I was really good at working out – it was much easier when I lived a two minute walk to the McGill Gym and was able to go on my way to work. Luckily, I have a treadmill in my house so I have been trying to work out at home at least 3 times a week and attend one fitness class once a week (my favourite is Zumba!).

Those are my top 6 goals so far, and I’m glad that I’m already making progress on half of them. In a few months, I hope to add to the list!